Do you often find yourself wondering why people chose the profession they did? How did they end up in their field? I definitely do! I find myself wondering what in the world was the draw to urology, septic tank services, or embalmment? I guess a loud "cha-ching" landing in their bank account might be the best reason to stay...but before that, what was it? Why the urinary tract? Septic tanks...really? Just some thoughts.
So, why ceramics? It is always an exciting time (or very stressful) as you finish high school and decide on a college or trade school. What do you feel most passionate about, and can you go for it? Little did I know, I was on to something as a kid, making mudpies in the backyard. Now I do it professionally.

I have an older brother, so he naturally paved the way going off to college. I trailed behind just two years later. Many ideas crossed my mind in what I could potentially study, but I just kept coming back to art. I played field hockey all through high school (only the greatest game with the most technical whistle calls ever), and wanted to continue to play in college if I could. I was also interested in a Christian college. I grew up as a public school kid and wanted a change for this important phase of my life. Finding a Christian college with a great art program and a field hockey team very quickly narrowed my selection. Houghton College became my school of study and I was signed as an athlete for the field hockey team. The art building had my heart and I began my studies with a hope for a concentration in drawing and painting.
Let's pause here a moment so I can let you know, I can be a really stubborn person. Sometimes, for sure, to my detriment, but I have also learned to see it as a strength. (This side note has a purpose. Just remember I am stubborn). I was told as a freshman, I would likely struggle to keep up with the studio work required of me while being an athlete. "Few have done it well," I was told. I was cautioned that I might not be able to do both. Cue my stubbornness: "Watch me!" was my response. Okay, in reality I just smiled and nodded and said I understood, but internally I had just stepped into battle. No one puts baby in the corner. (IYKYK). I did both all four years.

The first two years as an art major, I explored many different mediums. Enter ceramics. At this time in my course selection, I had to pick another class. Some were digital options like photography, graphic design, illustration, etc. I am more hands on, so sitting at the computer just did not appeal to me. I selected printmaking/silkscreening and then ceramics. Potters on the wheel make it look so fun, intriguing and easy. I figured I had it in the bag; art came naturally to me. I was, afterall, excellent with mudpies. Turns out I was terrible at it. It was not easy, it was rotten. I was rotten. The consolation prize was meeting one of my very best friends in that course. Ceramics quickly became the worst part of my day. Like, SO FRUSTRATING!!! It was just not clicking for me. I could not center my clay on the wheel. If you cannot center, you cannot make anything. At least not anything of value. I couldn't believe I was so bad at it. Art was my thing! How could I have been so bad at it?
I decided I had to take the next course because, I am stubborn. I was so determined to excell at it. Course number two was bollocks. Until half-way through, centering clicked! I figured out the body positioning. Using the right pressure and strength paired with my hand and arm placement finally clicked. I then began to actually create and I fell in love! (Side note, my bestie and I would laugh so hard in that class, we would sometimes be separated like little children. Absolutely worth the chastisement.)
At the end of sophomore year, art students go through their "Sophomore Review". This is when you have to prepare your very best works (usually in your preferred concentration) before all of the art faculty. They critique your work and help guide you towards your concentration for the final two years in the degree. I presented half ceramic works and half paintings and drawings. My work was viewed, handled, scrutinized and discussed. I then sat with my professors while the painting prof encouraged me to study ceramics and the ceramic prof encouraged me to study painting.

What the heck? I remember my eyes stinging with tears while I gave a nervous laugh. No one wanted me. At least, it felt that way. I was then asked, "What do you love the most, because you could do either?" That was enough to keep my tears from spilling over. I went with ceramics.
My reasons at the time were fairly practical. I loved the functionality of ceramics. I loved that I could make something that could be used daily as opposed to a painting that would just hang. There is great joy and beauty in that painting on the wall (I have lots on my own walls), but I felt a bigger pull and connection to creating a vessel to be used in your hands daily. I also figured I could keep ceramic sales moving in a more lucrative way than paintings. I am not sure that is true at all now, but I do know I chose right for myself. Despite the intense dryness my hands suffer in the cold months here in NH, I love getting to work with clay. I'm grateful for all those learning experiences in college -- challenges, critiques, and all -- because that's where I gained my love for ceramics. And now I get to use those skills every day!
On that note, it's time to go throw. Happy weekend, all!
